Allectra has a skilled team of physicists, technical advisers, engineers and specialist project managers who work with our customers on a project basis when a bespoke solution is needed.
We will produce detailed engineering drawings based on customers’ sketches – 3D compatibility check is included.
All items are fully tested before being commissioned, and cleaned to our UHV standard
Our Service
We have custom design and manufacturing departments with engineering and scientific capabilities in both the UK and Germany.
Allectra will produce detailed engineering drawings based on customers’ sketches. 3D compatibility check is included. Then follows testing and commissioning.
Custom design and quote form here
Custom Products
Allectra custom aluminium rectangular plate
This plate with 3 x Stainless Steel rectangular flanges with 24 x Sub-D 15 way and 16 x Sub-D 9 way feedthroughs was manufactured for a synchrotron customer.
Allectra Multi-Feedthrough flange
This component features 12 x D09, 2 x D15, 1 x D25, 2 x BNCD and 3 x SMAD50 Feedthroughs on a DN160CF flange and was manufactured for a synchrotron customer.
ISO250 flange
ISO250 flange with 17 x HD78 way feedthroughs.
Allectra custom flange
Custom flange with 8 x Double-sided SMA 18GHz feedthroughs.
Vacuum Plate to house 156 Allectra Sub-D Feedthroughs
Allectra designed and manufactured this plate for ADS-Engineering, the engineering partner of DECTRIS for their in-vacuum X-ray detector for Diamond Light Source, UK.
With more than 12 million pixels on an active area of 0.34m², the PILATUS 12M detector covers a 2Θ range of ±100° and will operate in vacuum at 10-6 mbar. This specific solution, built by DECTRIS in close collaboration with the 123 team at Diamond Light Source, represents a breakthrough in long-wavelength macromolecular crystallography.
This customized single-photon-counting X-ray detector features operation in vacuum, a specific module geometry and a special calibration for low-energy X-ray energies.
Based on the size of the plate and to reduce weight and cost, Allectra recommended the use of separate aluminium plates instead of the proposed one for the main door. This reduces the risk for the customer as the plates can be repaired individually in case of any problems.
Allectra manufactured and tested the plates and assembled them to the aluminium door which was leak-checked and assembled to the back plate.
Custom Port Aligner Assembly
Allectra has designed a custom port aligner for Edinburgh University. Our customer needed to correct a sample loading misalignment and was looking for a port aligner for his load lock system. Due to the shape and dimensions in the requirement, there was no off-the-shelf component available and so Allectra designed and manufactured a custom DN40CF port aligner assembly that fits the customer system, with custom lugs and threaded rods.
Custom Flange
This Circular Configuration Custom Flange with 12 Triaxial Feedthroughs and a Sub-D 15-way in the centre is used to measure low signals with high accuracy in the Semi-Conductor sector.
Multi-feedthrough component
Custom rectangular flange with signal, high voltage and liquid feedthroughs.
DN63CF flange
BNC to microdot feedthrough with custom frame for crystal sensor head.
DN160CF flange
MS style feedthroughs.
DN200CF flanges
Sub-D feedthroughs with zero length DN40CF flanges and a series of tapped holes.
DN100CF flange
With Sub-D feedthroughs.
ISO-K flange
With Sub-D feedthroughs.
Custom sensor head
DN63CF flange with BNC to microdot feedthrough.